SAP MDG: How to hide New Button of Address Section

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  1. Go to Component Config. of Address Section & Collect the Feeder Class of it.


  2. Create Enhancement, In Enhancement Create Post Exit

    If not aware of Enhancement & Post Exit, check the link

  3. Post Exit Code

    LOOP AT ct_field_usage ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<fs_sel_line>).
      READ TABLE ct_action_usage ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<fs_act_usg>) WITH KEY id = '_CREA_'.

      IF <fs_sel_line>-name = 'STANDARDADDRESS' AND <fs_sel_line>-visibility = '02'.
        <fs_act_usg>-enabled = abap_true.
        <fs_act_usg>-visible = '01'.


Thanks & Regards,

Suggu Sandeep.